i mmg bercite2 nk d.i.y segale bende n i nk sgt gune fresh flower...perasan yg i can do it by myself..kununnye la..tp hakikatnye..h0h0..terkial2 search cmne nk d.i.y hantaran yg simple tp nmpk ad klas gtu..less is more kn...
cr punye cari terjumpe la 1 blog ni...
cikyuSnida...suke sgt tgk die nye hantaran..simple yet sweet..
tadaaaaaaaaa...so diz is my d.i.y hantaran plak..pink + biru + purple
sireh junjung |
sampin |
songkok + kain pelekat |
bunga rampai |
kain nikah + butang baju melayu |
buku + novel |
buah |
choc hershey's + bear |
juz playing with d colours and flowers arranggement u'll get great hantaran.. alas barang tu klu u ols perasan i gune pinggan from KK Home decor as i mentioned kt entry b4 diz..simple + affordable+ puas ati sgt la..xyah tempah2..air tangan sendri gtu..lols~xpuas mate memandang tgk hasil tangan sendri..xcaye i blh buat gini..h0h0h
makcik2 i tlg |
kek SR~choc strawberi |
oleh kerana kek ni baru amik kt kdai n i nga mekap time tu tpakse la makcik2 tlg wutkn..ikut i nk je ltk kotak secret recipe tu..masuk je ngn theme i..tp dh diorg nk tlg..Alhamdulillah~
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